The Blogger

For Dangerous women this month I am actually, kind of cheating, sorry. The dangerous woman I am going to introduce you to is a blogger. And I am cheating because I am not actually interviewing this lady, but rather referring you to and encouraging you to read her blog. I am not interviewing her because right now she is going through one of the toughest things a mother can. One of her 5 children, a twin, is very seriously ill with a disease that even the top specialists across the world have been unable to diagnose. 2 years ago he was a normal, lively, healthy boy, since January this year his condition has deteriorated significantly. Her blog tells her story with such faith, strength and dignity that I defy anyone to read it and not cry. Thanks to Facebook and an awesome community of Christians on there, her story has spread across the world and is touching the hearts of both Christians and non-Christians alike. Through her time of despair, her valley, her honesty and love of God is shining through and being a phenomenal witness. She is probably the most dangerous woman I know, and I ask that you hold her and her family up in prayer and be inspired by her faith. God can work through us even in the most desperate times in our lives.

1 thought on “The Blogger”

  1. Jennifer Carter

    Thanks for sharing Esther’s blog … just reading it is inspiring & helps put my own struggles into perspective

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