‘Because I’m Worthless’- Rock the UK tour

The graffiti on a London subway wall sums up how many young people feel about themselves today. In a challenging world of economic recession and postmodern lack of faith, there is a danger of a lost generation.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has plans for this year and 2012 to reach out to the under 25s through a programme of high energy, large scale music concerts, starting in Thurrock, Essex in 2011 then building to six events in cities spread through the Uk in 2012 with Will Graham as the speaker.
As a firm believer in friendship evangelism, I have a natural scepticism towards big events and preaching at strangers. So I was encouraged to read the BGEA literature and see their emphasis on relationships.‘People say to me the era of mass evangelism is over. But I don’t believe in mass evangelism. We do personal evangelism, but we do it on a massive scale.’-Will Graham.

As the BGEA website says –

‘The key to effectively reaching people for Christ and seeing them continue to follow Jesus is a relationship with a vibrant believer. In John 1:40 we see the story of Andrew. He met Jesus and began to have a relationship with Him. His first thought was that his brother, Simon Peter, needed to know Jesus. Andrew went immediately and brought Simon to meet Jesus. Bring a Friend is the same concept. It involves praying for your friends, cultivating the relationship, inviting them to Rock the UK, and following up on their response to the message. Over 80% of those who respond at Rock the UK were brought by a friend.’

There will be many gatherings for prayer, a mobilisation of community action projects then a series of equipping throigh dynamic training seminars. The emphasis is on bringing a friend as the preparations are finalised for the Rock the Uk celebration events. Seven weeks of follow up discipleship studies are planned to encourage new beleivers to connect with local churches. An exciting project to watch out for and become involved in. We will bring you more details as they emerge.

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