An Interview With Danielle Strickland

photoOn Friday the 22nd of June, Activate Your Life partnered with Moorlands College in hosting a training event with Danielle Strickland as the keynote speaker. 180 women gathered in Christchurch, Dorset, and had the opportunity to be inspired by Danielle as she spoke movingly on ‘The Liberating Truth’: how Jesus empowers women. It was a fantastic event, with a buzzing atmosphere, a great worship band led by students and a sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Activate Your Life was there with pink gift bags and water bottles for everyone. Caroline East, Sarah and I shared an afternoon seminar in one of the college lecture rooms and presented ‘Unlocking the Door’- an introduction to Friendship Evangelism. We were able to meet lots of interested women afterwards and hand out ‘Freewheeling’ books.
Buy the talks on CD
For those who missed the day but would like to catch up with Danielle’s two amazing talks and the six seminars, Moorlands are organising an audio Cd. Please contact us with your name and address and pay £5 into our ‘donate now’ button. We will send you all the talks to enjoy at your leisure.

I had the opportunity to meet Danielle and spend time with her and her gorgeous eight week old son, Moses. She is an amazing woman of God, with boundless sources of energy, a fantastic sense of humour and a natural affinity to engage with everyone she meets, especially teenagers and starstruck Activate directors!! Over breakfast I asked her six questions.

Can You Describe Jesus in eight words?
Truth, Light, Freedom, Word, Hope,Power, Love, Eternal

The gospel – in twenty five words?
The Gospel is the big redemption plan that God has to redeem the world, the fullness of His Kingdom – to banish wickedness from the world.

What do you think of relational evangelism?
Is there any other kind? All conversions, even conference ones, are ultimately linked to relationships.

What is the hope of the world?
Redemption, wholeness, the righting of every wrong, injustice banished, righteousness flourishing.

What is your priority as a Christian?
To love and follow Jesus, to do what He says.

What encouragement would you give to others when they feel inadequate to do evangelism?
Do what’s in front of you, so – we make it all hard and try to be strategic but we should just do it. If someone has a need – meet it, a request- pray for them, a question – tell them. Just do it.

1 thought on “An Interview With Danielle Strickland”

  1. That’s what I love about Danielle, so direct and to the point! Fantastic woman!

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