In Remembrance

It’s been a privilege to help in Kid’s Church over the past two weeks. Talking about Remembrance Day with five and six-year-olds brings fresh insight into this important day. Sharing stories, sharing gratitude for the sacrifice of so many… the young children are fascinated and curious.

Each time we read God’s Word we experience a fresh insight into our shared history. We are part of God’s story. There are many times God’s people are told to do something in remembrance of God’s deliverance. Today, many of us will have been moved by the acts of remembrance taking place around the country. What struck me is that each year there are new children finding things out for the first time. What a gift they are, and what a responsibility to pass on our shared history.

When new friends join our circles – by moving into the area, joining our gym class, or embarking on the many years of the school run – there is so much to introduce them to. They’ll learn the ‘in-jokes’; they’ll find out which are the best coffee shops; which gym instructor is the toughest; which teachers are the most-liked. Maybe they’ll find things out about Jesus for the first time. There are always new people entering our sphere of influence who are ready to share stories, and many will be fascinated and curious about our story, the story of God’s people. Remembrance never gets old, especially as we continue to engage new people with the stories.

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