Winter ski theme night

Are you looking for a new theme for your next outreach event? How about a gathering based round a ski lodge? This might work in your own home, in your church hall or in a hired room in a hotel. Create an atmosphere by borrowing as many cosy rugs, fake fur throws and woollen blankets as possible and draping them over the chairs and floor. Have the lighting low with lots of candles and just a few table lamps rather than anything overhead. A few sets of white fairy lights go a long way to creating a special ambience. You might like to borrow some ski wear: drape the chairs with a few goggles, woolly hats, gloves and the odd pair of fluffy boots. The extrovert guests will soon be wearing them. You could create a snow background photo shoot area to allow guests to dress up in warm jackets and pose with some skis.

Background music might be ‘snow’ themed song choices-there are lots out there, but try to choose ones that don’t make it sound like the naff sound tracks within a department store!
If you are feeling really brave then you could borrow or hire an indoor snow machine and have snowflakes blowing past people as they arrive. Or just a bulk order of white fabric draped round the doorway might work. Of course, if you are fortunate enough to be in a room with a fireplace the flames would become your focal point.
Food for the evening could be fondue sets, filled with cheese and served with plates of chopped up crusty french stick bread. A mixture of swiss cheese with cheddar works well. Other plates could offer grapes, carrot sticks, vegetable crudites and apple slices. Group a few small tables with chairs around so people will gather in groups to eat and chat. Ski themed drinks might be mulled wine or ‘gluhwein’served in little mugs with orange segments. Warm apple juice with cinnamon spices works well if you want to avoid alcohol.Hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows is always a favourite.
Many people will be happy to sit, eat and chat but you may feel brave enough to offer a ski activity. Many play consoles have ski jump, ski racing or snowboarding game options. Borrow a playstation, wii fit or x-box and set up a gaming corner with the action displayed on a tv or screen so that others can watch. Make sure you have had a go beforehand so that you can help out, demonstrate and facilitate others to enjoy the equipment. A rolling leaderboard with high scores displayed might encourage those with a competitive mindset.Prizes for the best score, the worst score and the most stylish player will be appreciated and they could be toblerone or milcha chocolate bars.
As part of your welcome or your ‘wrap-up’ talk you could build a short message round God. Show some pictures of beautiful snow-clad mountains as you talk from Job 38 of God with the storehouses of snow within his sight and power.
Or you could talk briefly from Psalm 51:7-
‘Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.’
A more simple message could focus on the unique nature of every snowflake ever created and how meticulous God as creator is, he enjoys the beauty and diversity of each snowflake, just as he has made us all different, unique and beautiful.
A relationship with him gives the security and comfort of a warm blanket wrapped round our shoulders on a cold night.
Pick a theme that is appropriate to the group you have gathered.Be sensitive to where they are in their journey.
Whether you live in a place the gets snow often or a community that rarely sees snow, hopefully these ideas will stimulate you to create and event that is welcoming, memorable, fun and creates a great atmosphere for building friendships and having great conversations that lead the women we invite closer to God.

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