The Royal Wedding

Later this month London will be filled with crowds of excited people celebrating the wedding of our future king and his elegant fiance. Much has been written about the characters and prospects of the young couple. Whatever your feelings about royalty, this is a unique opportunity to be involved in your community with your neighbours. Street parties, village celebrations,town hall get togethers are springing up for the first time in a generation. What are you planning? Where will you be? Email in your ideas and inspire others in our network.
If you need inspiration – perhaps you would enjoy the latest T mobile advert with an interesting wedding party dancing up the aisle…

3 thoughts on “The Royal Wedding”

  1. We are holding a ‘Street’ party in order to bring the community together. It will be in the bunting-bestowed church hall and adjoining school playground. We’ve invited folk to come from 1030 to watch the wedding live on Big Screens. People are bringing their own picnics and we will eat lunch at long tables, chatting to friends old and new. There will be games for the kids, a sing-song, a souvenir stall and tea, coffee and union flag fairy cakes! We will say a prayer of thanks and blessing for Kate and Wills before lunch, and our prayers now are for a happy, relaxed, friendly and dry day! We hope that people of all ages will come along. It hasn’t taken a huge amount of planning …. so there’s still time to throw your own community party!

  2. Well, I wasn’t at a street party, neighbourhood gathering or glued to a TV. My 11 year old daughter and I went by train to the pavements of The Mall for an experience of a lifetime. We joined the five deep crowd at 7 in the morning and loved every minute. The weather was kind, the soldiers and bands were magnificent and the atmosphere was palpable. When anyone exciting went past our view was somewhat blocked with a sea of periscopes, flags, cameras and arms held aloft. A little folding stool helped my daughter to see and tell me what was going on! The service was piped down the Mall and most people listened quietly. I loved the Bishop Of London’s sermon, I joined in the hymns and we all cheered when we heard the voices of the young couple.Then came our special moment when the carriage swept by with a flash of white lace and red brocade. We followed the crowds up to the Palace and stood beside the fountain, with a few thousand in front and a million behind. Did we actually see the kiss? Not really but for the rest of our lives, we can say – ‘we were there!’
    ITN have produced a special clip of moments you may have missed, including the cartwheeling verger.

  3. Well, the wedding was gorgeous and so was our wedding party! Glad you got to see it, Mandy, but the atmosphere at our church was fab! We had about 300 people come through the doors and most of those were not church folk! We had over 400 union jack cakes to give away along with cups of tea and the weather held up so that we could all have our picnic outside, accompanied by a dear lady tinkling war songs on the piano (Roll out the Barrel etc – is that appropriate for a church setting?!?). The only wobbly moment came when the 3 big screens showing the wedding live, to which everyone was glued, went blank at 10.55am… nightmare…some people got up and left but most stayed and after some serious prayer and some clever wire work from the chaps, all the screens came back on in time to see Kate and Wills arrive! Ahhhh! Am just thinking about an Olympics party now!…..

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