The Christmas Train… Post 4 – Top Tips and the Perfect Gift Idea!

Sue Leggatt picSusi Leggatt is Editorial Assistant for Liberti Magazine, and a well-spring of ideas when it comes to bringing creativity and fun to our everyday lives!  She is a cherished new member of our Activate Dream Team and I am sure you will be reading more from her in 2016.

Susi’s Five Top Tips For Christmas

As the season approaches, it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Too many presents to buy, Christmas parties galore and splitting yourself in two to spend time with different family’s and friends… Here are my five top tips for coping with the craziness of the season:


  1. Wrap each present as you purchase it (even if it’s in the January sales) Saves staying up on Christmas Eve till the early hours doing a mass wrap!
  2. Save some pennies on the Christmas outfit, rotate the previous one from the party the year before last. (no-one every remembers that far back especially after that glass of mulled wine ha!)
  3. I always buy foil trays to cook the turkey and roast veg. (Who wants to spend Christmas Day scrubbing trays in a pinny?)
  4. Get the kids to have a cull of toys they no longer play with or have grown out of. Pop them down to the charity shop to help boost their Christmas sales, plus it helps children learn to hold ‘things’ loosely and understand the importance of sharing with others. (Not to mention nice tidy rooms).
  5. Have a cleaning party, invite your friends round to help do your deep clean. I always find it easier to clean someone else’s home and if you’re cleaning with your friends it seems so much less of a chore. You must of course do the same for them. The more friends you invite the quicker the deed is done!  (Mince pies, gingerbread and oodles of tea are essentials for your cleaning party.)

Finally, remember the most important time this Christmas is the time you spend sharing His love with others, no matter who they are or what their circumstances.  After all, ‘the measure of love is when you love without measure’ .

P.S. I so don’t have all these in the bag ha! (Presents still unwrapped in bedroom in bags.) It’s a work in progress!

Read more from Susi in our next ‘Christmas Train of Thought’ post on Friday.

And a final tip – If you are looking for an inspirational gift that will last all year, consider a subscription to Liberti Magazine.

Liberti Magazine is a vibrant, contemporary magazine with a heart for freedom. We have a vision to reach women all over the country, and beyond, with the message that Jesus was good news to women, that he went out of his way to honour, restore and release them and that he still does. We have a dream to see women walk in freedom. Freedom from the past…. and freedom from pain or negative expectations placed upon them by others or by culture. But more than that, we have a dream to see women walk in the freedom to be all they were created to be – to dare to dream, to be equipped to walk into that dream and free to fly as they spread their God-given wings and leap into their future. The magazine is currently published four times a year and is full of inspirational interviews and articles answering the same questions that you find addressed in Cosmopolitan, Red and other women’s magazines. Click here to subscribe for just £12 a year

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