Moving and Decluttering

Some years ago I wrote a book on decluttering. Last year I seriously had to put my money where my mouth was, because I downsized from a four bedroomed house to a two bedroomed flat! I had to make a resolute decision to get rid of anything I didn’t absolutely need and if I didn’t have space, it had to go!
A week before I moved, the family came to lunch and afterwards I told them there was a car boot sale for them in the study. They could have anything they wanted and the rest would go to a charity shop. I also added that they should be really grateful that I was getting rid of so much, so that they didn’t have to do it when I popped my clogs!
There is a serious difference between what we need and what we want. We tend to accumulate belongings and cling to them like a security blanket, when actually letting go gives us a wonderful sense of freedom. We can cherish memories in our hearts without the need of material reminders.
Jesus called His disciples to leave their boats, (everything that enabled them to make a living) and to follow Him.
Are we prepared to hold all we possess, lightly, in order to be free to follow His plans and pathways for our lives?

“You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need.” (Paul’s word to the Philippians from the Message.)

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