Crisis- Danger or Opportunity?

“When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.”
John F. Kennedy

JFK as he was fondly known, certainly knew how to make a statement, in more ways than one. And this quote certainly has punch and purpose.

In the current economical and financial climate it is so easy to drift with the popular consensus that crisis means danger.

And to be honest, if we ignore danger signals then trouble almost always ensues. Just look at what happened to Jim Carey, cast as Bruce Nolan, when he ignored the truck full of signs he was following in the film Bruce Almighty- he ended up crashing his car and meeting God!

But for many of us we get stuck with only seeing crisis as danger and miss out on all the opportunities it can open up.

As Christian women we have the BEST source of peace, comfort and confidence in our Saviour, Jesus. So why not use this quote as a reminder to view crisis differently. Don’t wait to crash your car to get God involved, rather look out for the dangers and then be creative in opening up new pathways to achieve your purpose with Christ as the navigator?

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