May 2009

Darwin, Dawkins and a Book Group

Dawkins, Darwin and a Book Group

My sister’s book group recently read the ‘God Delusion’ by Richard Dawkins. The group is a mix of Christians and non Christians and it sparked some lively discussion and led to a number of interesting conversations over the following weeks. While some of the women believed that the biological process of evolution by natural selection was the best way to explain how life come into existence, there was a general disquiet surrounding Dawkins arguments that evolution is a ‘godless process’ and the universe is nothing more than ‘blind forces and physical replication with no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.’ Most of the group found it hard to accept that our lives might be nothing more than an accident, and that our existence is without purpose, meaning or value.

These feelings were reflected in a recent survey published earlier this year to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of ¬Species. The survey found that half of British adults do not believe in evolution, with at least 22% preferring the theories of creationism or intelligent design to explain how the world came about.
The poll found that 25% of Britons believe Darwin’s theory of evolution is “definitely true”, with another quarter saying it is “probably true”. Half of the 2,060 people questioned were either strongly opposed to the theory or confused about it. The Rescuing Darwin survey, conducted by the think tank Theos, found that around 10% of people chose young Earth creationism – the belief that God created the world some time in the last 10,000 years – over evolution. About 12% preferred intelligent design, the idea that evolution alone is not enough to explain the structures of living organisms. The remainder were unsure, often mixing evolution, intelligent design and creationism together.

The fact that a quarter of those surveyed actively reject evolution and at least as many again are skeptical or unsure could reflect the common misconception that science and religion are competing descriptions of the way the world works. While science can explain many of the properties of the physical world it is not the whole story. Science can’t prove one way or another the existence of God or answer questions of purpose, meaning, ethics, beauty, history, literature and love. Many people are interested in the current debate surrounding science and faith and it is useful to know the arguments from both sides – Charles Darwin himself so no reason why someone could not ‘be an ardent theist and an evolutionist.’ Peter 3 v 15 encourages us to be prepared to answer everyone who asks us to give a reason for the hope that we have in Christ. If friends or family are asking questions about some of these issues log onto the Theos website at for interesting articles and further debate.

Why not take part in a discussion sending in your comments to the idea proposed by Darwin that it is possible to believe in both God and evolution?

Source: Spencer N, Alexander D (2009) Rescuing Darwin: London, Theos

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Ask Alison – May

Ask Alison


Having problems with your relationship? Ever wondered why a bloke can’t be more like a woman? Life would be so much simpler if they thought like us girls wouldn’t it? Unfortunately they can’t and even if they did, life would be dull and boring!

My name is Alison Tinsley and I’m a Coach, Image Consultant and Author.
‘Ask Alison’ is an opportunity to give your marriage a new leash of life. Each month I’ll be giving tips and advice on how to make your marriage more enjoyable, rewarding and definitely a lot more fun. With a blend of understanding, a spoonful of extra thought and a pinch of spice, a tired and routine marriage can be revitalised.

Do send in your questions and I’ll do my best to give a positive and proactive response. I’m not interested in complaints about hubby though. I will help YOU face your concerns so you can learn to become the change you wish to see. You cannot control what happens to you but you can control how you respond. Sounds a challenge doesn’t it? If you’re up for it send me your questions, the rewards are so worth it, as are you.

Alison’s April Tip:

A phrase which seems to be increasingly used is this ‘I don’t think I love him anymore, the feeling’s just not there.’

Sound familiar? If this is you then take action immediately. Danger lies ahead. Hollywood, the soaps and the media lead us to believe that love is only a feeling. More importantly, that we have no choice in how we feel towards our partner. In other words, we can only react to our husband according to the way we feel.

But hold on a minute, this isn’t right. If you believe that then you’ve been hoodwinked! I know we all want Richard Gere to turn up in his limousine and rescue us, as if we’re living in a scene from pretty Woman. But you’re not Julia Roberts and hubby dear isn’t a Hollywood movie star!

Here’s the good news, and it’s even better than watching it on a cinema screen. If you become proactive and turn love into a verb, a doing word, then anything is possible. See just how much you can love your husband by acts of kindness or showing grace when he messes up. It is entirely possible for the feeling of love to be recaptured when you bring your own emotions into line by choosing to act with love towards your husband. If you believe in marriage, work on becoming more proactive. Make love a doing word.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Alison x

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God’s Promises

Jesus promised the disciples that when He rose they would receive the power of His Holy Spirit and we too have that promise of God’s spirit dwelling within us. We each have a divine relationship that He will lead us and guide us faithfully. God has a plan and purpose which he yearns for us to accept. He gives us an abundance of hope and refreshment when we are weak and He can heal and bring us great peace.

The Bible is a book of God’s promises which can change our lives if we let Him. All these promises are ours to have and hold as our personal possessions. An ancient promise God made was that a rainbow will appear in the clouds as a sign of the agreement between Him and the earth. God promised that He would never again destroy all living creatures by a flood – Genesis 9:12-13 (NIV) ‘And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth’.
The rainbow is a sign and promise of His faithfulness.

His promises can be relied upon in every circumstance and will provide for our needs and, as His children, it is our duty to receive and claim every one. Let us trust God and act upon these promises whether it is at work, at home, or in the community.

Next time a rainbow appears, let’s be reminded that God keeps His promises.

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