‘More people want to know more about Jesus today than they did in 2015!’
45% of people in the UK believe in the Resurrection. Does that surprise you? After a conversation with a Christian, one in three not-yet-Christians want to know more! Talking Jesus SurveyWe’ve just watched the live launch of the Talking Jesus survey results released by the Evangelical Alliance today. The full report will be available in […]
Rescuing our teens: Speak out your encouragement and acceptance as if their lives depend on it
I feel uneasy about teens going after more ‘likes’ when they post photos on social media. It is well documented that they spend hours in front of their phones. (Let’s stop judging them for this, as we do it too!) Even after taking dozens of selfies, in just the right light, many just won’t post anything. […]
Your revision notes: How to help in exam season
The weather’s lovely, hayfever has kicked in, the teens have cleaned out their blazer pockets and sharpened their pencils. It must be exam time. How can we help ease the pressure and stress? We all have different ‘subjects’ to study. Your specialist subject might be your son or daughter. It might be your grandchild. Maybe […]
“Are you all in?” One of our Miss Activates, Eden Goulding shares her story.
The Event During the summer holidays, I went to a camp called New Wine. It was amazing! My sister, Meka, and I found a really good group of friends and we had so much fun. One day in the evening service, I felt God was speaking to me and I am going to share what […]
Miss Activate Revision Special: Do Your Best and Have No Regrets!
Hello, My name is Marnie Bain, I am currently in my last year of 6th form, Year 13. School has never been one of my favourite things. Teachers would describe me as the loud and chatty one in the class. It started to become my label and in most lessons I would mess about. I […]