We would love to see your photos, posts and stories of the weekend so please tag us in.
@activateyrlife #aylweekendaway #be365devotions
Frame the day
From 3.00pm Check-in and refreshments (Hotel Reception)
Welcome! When you arrive, you’ll find the Activate welcome table set up at the main hotel reception area, and the team will be there, excited to greet you at 3 PM.
To ensure a smooth check-in experience, we kindly ask that you wait until our official welcome time before visiting the Reception and our welcome table. This allows us to finish setting up, and it ensures we can provide you with all the information you’ll need in one place.
Once it’s time, head over to the Warwick Room to create your name badge. If you’d prefer, one of the Miss Activates will be more than happy to assist you! After your badge is ready, you can conveniently store your room key between two name badges and keep it in your lanyard for easy access.
Before heading to your room, take a moment to check the 'On Arrival' list on the information page to ensure you don’t miss anything. We look forward to welcoming everyone!
Tea and coffee-making facilities are available in your room and on the Mezzanine starting at 1.00 PM. The main conference area will open at 5:30 PM.
5.30-6.00pm (on the Mezzanine)
If it's your first time with us, you've come on your own, or you want to get to know new people, then this is for you. I know you have to be brave to go to a Connect but it's worth the moment of awkwardness to get up there because once you've met a couple of the team and others in the same boat, you'll feel more at home!
If you have any dietary requirements and would like a bit of reassurance from the chef, this is your opportunity. We have informed the hotel already of anything you told us about, so this is only if you have particular concerns.
If you are at school or college, it would be great if you could pop up and meet the others your age. Bring someone along this time if you're not sure about it! There will be other opportunities to gather over the weekend and our Miss Activate leader, Polly will let you know.
5.30-7.30pm Evening meal
7.30-9.00pm Main Session 1

Worship Leader: Sue Rinaldi,
Keynote Speaker: Bekah Legg
Bekah introduces our theme for the weekend Significance Over Success… Don't look out for your own interests, but take interest in others too. Philippians 2:4.
9.00pm Refreshments (outside Main Room and on Mezzanine)
9.30pm Fun and Entertainment (Main Room)

The best way to meet people! Don't worry if you come on your own, we'll get you into a winning team for the quiz! There will also be space to chill out together.